Is it possible that it can be September already?! Bizarrely, as I type this, it is hot and sunny in London and likely to remain so all week! Who knew? I was all prepared for a turn toward the autumnal, but instead it still feels like the height of summer. However, as you can see from the photo, Mother Nature is not particularly interested in our perception of the seasons and has produced her usual September goodies for us.
This month's top three seasonal eats are blackberries, courgettes and runner beans. Runner beans are on the menu for tonight and, funnily enough, I have never cooked them before, so I hope I can do them justice...they look a little tough and scary to me! We'll also be treating ourselves to kohlrabi (
back right in photo), pears, Bramley apples, fennel and figs. The kids are asking for a crumble and I think I might just oblige them...!
So, how about August? Well, August is an easy month, frankly! Most of its delicacies can simply be popped straight into your mouth with no cooking required. Who could go wrong with juicy plums, raspberries, blueberries, cucumbers and peppers? We ate them all, along with lettuce, celery, sweetcorn and spinach, and surprisingly, the girls liked everything they tried. Well, except for plums. Not sure what's wrong with them? (The girls, not the plums!) However, they are certainly becoming more adventurous. We were also blessed with an enormous late summer crop of carrots and potatoes.

My husband is not known for moderation when planting and we must have produced almost 5kg of Charlotte potatoes on our sunny little terrace. So I've had to be creative with potato recipes: so far we've had them chipped, sautéed, boiled and roasted. Next up: potato dauphinoise, inspired by our recent trip to France. Check in next month to see what's in store for October and find out how we did in September. Bon appetit!
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